Hart Honored As Auxiliary Volunteer Of The Quarter

The Huron Regional Medical Center (HRMC) Auxiliary recently honored Jean Hart as the Volunteer of the Quarter, according to Bob Eickhoff, HRMC Auxiliary President.

Hart has been an HRMC Auxiliary volunteer since 2006 and serves at the Central Towers desk of the hospital, working approximately one to two half-days per week. Hart noted her interest in volunteering was at the suggestion of Dorothy Paye and she’s enjoyed the volunteer opportunity since. Upon receipt of the award, Hart remarked, “I’m overwhelmed I just can’t believe it!”

Hart’s surprise is due in part to the revival of the Volunteer of the Quarter award, as the Auxiliary has presented only an annual award in recent years. Eickhoff noted the importance of recognizing the important work the Auxiliary does, “We realize that we have so many wonderful, dependable volunteers and we decided that instead of recognizing only one per year, we wanted to recognize more of them for the time and energy they put forth.”

HRMC Auxiliary volunteers provide refreshments and assistance in hospital lounges, assist visitors at the information desks and deliver floral arrangements and newspapers to patients. The Auxiliary provides scholarships for students pursuing careers in health care and contributes to various projects at the hospital with funds raised through gift shop/candy counter sales and membership dues. The purpose of the Auxiliary is to promote and advance the welfare of HRMC by rendering service to patients and assisting with charitable projects.

The group is always looking for more volunteers to substitute or fill a four-hour weekly shift. For more information on HRMC’s Auxiliary or to volunteer, call Bonnie Sheridan at 605-354-1233 or visit www.huronregional.org.


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