Columbus Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Clinic Is Here For You

Your everyday life deserves high-quality care, and Columbus Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Clinic is here for you.

We want to make your pain disappear — whether in your foot, ankle, shoulder, knee, hip or spine. As the Columbus area’s dedicated experts in bone, joint and muscle care, we have served the region’s orthopedic needs since 1983.

From sports medicine to total joint replacement and everything in between, our expert medical providers can meet your needs.

“We offer a highly trained and specialized group of providers to a small demographic, ensuring quality care and optimal outcomes,” said Dr. Brandon Borer, foot and ankle surgeon at Columbus Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Clinic.  

The Mako robot, state-of-the-art technology at Columbus Community Hospital, has provided surgeons with an excellent tool for accurately placing and aligning hip and knee implants. When using Mako, surgeons can preserve healthy bone and soft tissue, resulting in less postoperative pain, quicker recovery and a shorter hospital stay over manual techniques.

Our team offers one-on-one, personalized care distinguishing us from other places.

“Because I live here in Columbus and am involved in the community, I have the opportunity to interact with my patients and their families outside the clinic with various activities,” Borer said.

Our team of surgeons and other providers takes the time to learn about you and your goals so we can find the solution to take the pain away. That solution may be as simple as a brace and physical therapy or as complex as surgery.

“Ease of access to individualized care is important, and our clinic provides the foundation for this to flourish,” said Dustin Hill, practice manager. “We’re located on the same campus as Columbus Community Hospital, so travel within the facility is easy to navigate and under one roof.”  

The robust sports medicine program involves locally certified athletic trainers from multiple schools who work closely with specialized providers to expedite care. 

“Getting athletes back to their field of play is imperative,” said Hill. “A local clinic that can assist in coordinating and managing these athletes is a must-have.”

To learn more about our services or to make an appointment, call our office at 402-562-4700 or visit


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