Breast Conserving Surgery Offers Local Option For Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients

Early-stage breast cancer patients now have one less medical treatment far from home with Brookings Health System’s addition of breast conserving surgery.

Using the newly acquired SAVI SCOUT surgical guidance system, General Surgeon Dr. Sara Marroquin of Avera Medical Group Specialty Care and Brookings Health System’s same-day surgery team will perform breast conserving surgery, also known as lumpectomy, for area breast cancer patients.

“According to the South Dakota Cancer Registry, breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in Brookings County women. It also ranks in the top five diagnosed cancers in Kingsbury, Hamlin, Deuel, Lake and Moody Counties,” said Marroquin, who trained during her residency to perform the breast sparing technique using SAVI SCOUT technology. “If we can help these area patients receive part of their breast cancer treatment locally near the comfort and convenience of home, that will benefit them emotionally and financially with an already difficult diagnosis.”

The goal of breast conserving surgery is to save the breast. It is often the medically recommended choice for those diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Patients maintain more normal-looking breasts by limiting the amount of healthy breast tissue removed, giving a better cosmetic result. Treating patients physically with a breast sparing technique also helps them emotionally. By saving the breast, a patient is better able to maintain her sense of self and identity.

SAVI SCOUT, an FDA-approved radar localization technology, pinpoints tumors before surgery and helps Marroquin and the surgery team to only remove cancerous breast tissue. A reflector, about the size of a grain of rice, is placed in the tumor by a radiologist before surgery. The reflector is passive until activated when safe, nonradioactive radar waves are used to detect it within the breast. By seeing exactly where the tumor is ahead of surgery, Marroquin and the operating room team can go straight to the abnormality and more precisely and effectively remove the entire tumor with smaller incisions. The technology also increases the likelihood of complete tumor removal.

In addition, SAVI SCOUT decreases the amount of time a patient spends in the hospital. Traditionally the morning of surgery, a radiologist placed a wire in the tumor that would stick out of a women’s breast. The wire helped the surgeon locate the tumor, but it would cause discomfort and restrict movement, often for several hours. In some cases, the wire would move away from the tumor, making it difficult to remove all the cancerous tissue, possibly requiring a second surgery. SAVI SCOUT’s reflector eliminates wire location, making the procedure less painful and allowing for a quicker recovery.

Patients who have an abnormal mammogram may be referred to Dr. Marroquin by their primary care provider. Prior to surgery, Marroquin will present patients’ cases to Avera’s tumor board, a team of medical specialists including other surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, and oncologists. Marroquin and the tumor board will determine the best possible cancer treatment and care plan for every patient. In addition, patients are connected to other cancer services as needed, including cancer navigation, oncology and radiation.

Brookings Health System’s investment in the SAVI SCOUT surgical guidance system aligns with the health system’s vision to be a trusted source of health care for the regional community by using innovative technology. More information about breast conserving surgery can be found online at


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