Great Plains Health, North Platte Fire Department Demonstrate Commitment To Cardiac Arrest Care

Great Plains Health and the North Platte Fire Department Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are pleased to share that combined efforts to provide timely, quality care to cardiac arrest patients is improving patient outcomes in the North Platte region, exceeding national benchmarks.

In 2023 at Great Plains Health, 49 percent of patients experiencing a cardiac arrest event survived the initial event. Twenty-seven percent survived to hospital discharge, exceeding the national survival to discharge benchmark of 15 percent, according to the American Heart Association (AHA).

“Local EMS personnel and our Great Plains Health care team are committed to the highest patient care standards,” said Heather Jensen, Great Plains Health Outreach Coordinator. “We use the RQI system to review knowledge verification modules and test our skills quarterly, which improves muscle memory and ultimately patient outcomes.”

Cardiac arrest occurs suddenly and often without warning when an electrical malfunction in the heart causes an irregular heartbeat, according to the AHA. As a result, the heart cannot pump blood to the brain, lungs and other organs.

“Prompt care is key when it comes to cardiac arrest,” said Dr. Ramez Smairat, interventional cardiologist at the Great Plains Health Heart Institute. “Our outcomes exceed national benchmarks because our hospital and community partners follow consistent protocols that put the patient first.”

In 2023, the North Platte Fire Department EMS served nearly half of the cardiac arrest patients that later received treatment at Great Plains Health.

“We train heavily on cardiac arrest care,” said Trent Kleinow, North Platte Fire Department Assistant Fire Chief. “Our EMS crews constantly review protocol, and use the latest technology to serve patients – including the LUCAS device, which provides precise, high-quality chest compressions. We have an advanced paramedic program in North Platte and strong support by local emergency medicine physicians. We work really hard to give great patient care, and I am excited about the above-average patient outcomes we can help provide our community.”


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